The use of various types of stabilizers or hydrocolloids in yogurt provides a gel structure and a good appearance; so, improving mouthfeel and reducing syneresis in yogurt.
The use of various types of stabilizers or hydrocolloids in yogurt provides a gel structure and a good appearance; so, improving mouthfeel and reducing syneresis in yogurt. Different stabilizers for the production of different types of yogurts are listed as follows:
Mold yogurt stabilizer
SCHWAN yogurt stabilizer is used for low-fat and full-fat yogurts. In general, by increasing yogurt stabilizer, you may reduce the amount of fat while maintaining the desired texture.
Stirred, flavored yogurt stabilizer
Stabilizer Y200 which is designed based on Iranian taste, may attract the customer's attention by creating dense cream texture and desired spoonability. Properties of this stabilizer with a dosage of 2-2.5% are as follows:
Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt stabilizer Y300 which is designed based on Iranian taste, may attract the customer's attention by creating dense cream texture. This product also has high water absorption and retention capacity; so, there is a need for less dry matter in yogurt. In addition, the powdered milk used in this formula is reduced significantly. This stabilizer increases tongue coating; so, building a stronger sense of product taste in mouth.